Emine Akbucak
A medida que los seres humanos se alejan de su vida entrelazada con la Naturaleza, su daño a la Naturaleza también ha aumentado. La contaminación ambiental es solo uno de ellos y algún día la Naturaleza puede vomitar a los seres humanos como basura. La obra fotográfica es un manifiesto por la protección de la Naturaleza. Fotografía: Emine Akbucak, Performance: Gonca Gümüşayak, 2013, Kabakoz, Estambul
As human beings move away from their life intertwined with nature, their damage to nature has also increased. Environmental pollution is only one of them and one day nature may vomit human beings as garbage. The photographic work is a manifesto for the protection of nature.
Photographer: Emine Akbucak, Performer: Gonca Gümüşayak, shot in Kabakoz İstanbul, 2013.
As human beings move away from their life intertwined with nature, their damage to nature has also increased. Environmental pollution is only one of them and one day nature may vomit human beings as garbage. The photographic work is a manifesto for the protection of nature.
Photographer: Emine Akbucak, Performer: Gonca Gümüşayak, shot in Kabakoz İstanbul, 2013.
Nature is our limbs, head and face. We are the mirrors and various faces of the Nature.
As human beings move away from their life intertwined with nature, their damage to nature has also increased. Environmental pollution is only one of them and one day nature may vomit human beings as garbage. The photographic work is a manifesto for the protection of nature.
Photographer: Emine Akbucak, Performer: Gonca Gümüşayak, shot in Kabakoz İstanbul, 2013.
( Black & white)
Nature is our limbs, head and face. We are the mirrors and various faces of the Nature.
As human beings move away from their life intertwined with nature, their damage to nature has also increased. Environmental pollution is only one of them and one day nature may vomit human beings as garbage. The photographic work is a manifesto for the protection of nature.
Photographer: Emine Akbucak, Performer: Gonca Gümüşayak, shot in Kabakoz İstanbul, 2013.