Derya Demiroğlu #01
Video 1’40’’
A metaphor for vital existence of the soil. Soil is ground for human being to establish civilization, as well as a vital, living being. A moving human body represents the biotic kinesis, vital change and transformation within the soil. Cells change, divide, multiply, disappear. Although this life cycle can not always be visible, it continues; the stage remains empty; but the sound and shadows remain. The vital process represented in a narrow space framed by a rectangular form, is at the same time an referral for the human being locked in their homes during the quarantine period, as if the human is thrown into a jail cell. However, the life cycle -like in the soil- continues inside.
Video 1'40 "
Water. Dihydrogen monoxide. The source of life. Can human create an ocean? Or a drop of water in the ocean? In order to produce water in a laboratory environment, a huge number of oxygen and hydrogen atoms must be provided, and while the chemical reaction takes place, a great energy and explosion is released by the interaction of hydrogen, which is inflammable, and oxygen, which is caustic, and the amount of water produced is very small. So it is not rational to produce water in a laboratory environment. Perhaps the value of just one water drop can be explained in this way. Minimal and maximal representations of the entire water cycle come together with a contrast in the video. A few drops of water in silence and a huge waterscape with rumbling waves refer to the most minimal and powerful aspects of the same essence and cycle. Being created in the quarantine period of 2020, this work is also one of the answers given to the search for Nature of a human being in her own environment. "To be a drop in the ocean is to be the ocean anyway."
Video 1’8 ’’
A haiku and a dancing body represent the longing of an 'inanimate’ wood. An 'inanimate wood' still exists with a function in the human world and it is heritage from the forest. An overview of the sources of objects in human daily life and their connection with Nature from an animist perspective. What else is connected with Nature in the living space of modern humans?
Video 1’4 ’’
There is a bandir, which is made of wood and leather. And a wooden floor, which made of wood. The sources of these things are elements from nature. Bendir visually can connotates of the moon -from Nature-. Hands, textures, sounds interact in their own processes and eventually turn into a vital and holistic rhythm: the beat of the heart; the life, the human, the self*. This video work is one of the answers to the search for Nature of modern human being in her own environment during the quarantine period of 2020 and, it emphasizes the essence of Nature which exists in human’s environment and in directly in her/his being. *’the self’ is called here ‘ben’ in Turkish, like the first syllable of ‘bendir’ (bandir, musical instrument). So, “Bendir” in Turkish means “it’s me” beside the meaning of a musical instrument.
Video 1 ’38’ ’
The two hands move, interact, communicate, fight, make peace, flow, create a kinesis; a kinesis which is a metaphor for lives of species in Nature, or a relationship between two humans, or animals. It embodies the inner processes of a human being maybe or connotate of the process in an organism when a virus enters in. Whatever the hands connotate, they are not seperate from each other and together create a wholeness, which is connected to the Nature.