Trees of Akbelen
In 2023 summer an old woman-villager is photographed in İkizköy hugging a tree during the deforesting of Akbelen Forest. Tree hugging movement occured also in other forests of Türkiye during the last years as the very last reflex to protect the trees. As it has its place in Eastern philosophies for centuries, tree hugging is known mostly by the Chipko movement happened in 1970s.
Besides its protest definition in our times, this simple movement is so special that it also affects hormon systems of humans in a positive way and also creates connection and a unique experience with a tree. With this simple movement and presence idea, artists of Space for Nature's first art residency in Spain, created this performance-artwork to support the villagers of İkizköy (Akbelen) and raise awareness about the huge deforesting operations happening in Türkiye and all over the world. This artwork represents a stance aganist the destruction of the world's forests and ecosystems by human hands.
Concept: Derya Demiroğlu
Invited artists: Alberto Monreal, Ana R. Espejo, Becky Stoakes, Daphne Targotay, Elena Fernández Lanza, ExplorNJ, Gonca Gümüşayak, Mariona Ríos, Paula F. Schiaffino, Selin Göksel, Teresa Martí Romaní
Sound: Porter Ellerman
Video: Ainara García Córdoba