Yo no soy solo yo
"I'm not just me" came up during a conversation. As I delved deeper into this statement, I found myself connecting with the peasant woman who cried and lamented for one of the trees cut down in Akbelen Forest in the summer of 2023. I found myself connecting with the felled trees, and with everything that was destroyed in Nature.
The trillions of atoms that make up our bodies will be in completely different places in 5 years... What do we mean by "I"? Are we, as humanity, fundamentally different from the Nature we are destroying and polluting? - Derya Demiroğlu
Song: Alberto Monreal
Like a bee that sleeps - on the flowers,
Like the earth that is sown - by the sowers,
Like the haven of clouds - before the wind,
My memory will await - its movement.
As swarms fly over - flowery beaches,
As orchards are soaked - in the swelling rivers,
As the blizzard happens - with fierce snow,
My memory will burst - unexpectedly.
I'll see you, innocent wild, I'll see you,
Naked, head-on body,
I'll have nothing to fear you with, I'll have nothing
with which I can escape from you...
Video: Ainara García